Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rats are never content

I have a few rats in the "hospital" (i.e....the living room).

Lenore busted her foot. The swelling is gone, now it is just sore. But she keep trying to bust the lid of her "Get well tank" off. She will stretch up on her messed up foot, grab onto the wire, and hang there. I have taken out her house so she'll stop head butting the lid. Crazy girl. I am moving her to the 40 gallon unused fish tank to prevent anymore brain-damage. It is very tall, and unless she develops super powers, she should not be able to jump and reach the lid.

Zocquiel got in a fight and had some battle wounds. So he's in a bird cage while I tend to his bites. He has figured out that if he uses his mouth to pull up on the door, he can lift it with his paws until he is able to wiggle his head under. Smart guy. Now I'm breaking out the locking clips.

Naberous (who fought with Zoc), is in another cage for observation. It is one of those one level rabbit cages. But he has found he can push his head against the door and pop it out. ...More clips.

I have a gang of Houdinis here.

Rats just hate cages. Houses are more their style....complete with full course meals served thrice a day (don't forget ice cream!)


  1. True that. My rats won't let me put them back in the cage. They use their arms and legs and grab the doorway.I'll try ice-cream next treat time!:-)

    1. Rats sure are funny things! I can hardly open a door for one second without my one girl already getting out and taking off across the room. They're so sneaky.
