Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Epitaph x AGCR Fiona 10/17/13

PAIRED: 9/22/13 Epitaph x Fiona
Keeping: 2 girls and 1 boy
Erin: 2 girls
Kat: 1 boy-Taken back due to owner abusing ..now keeping (2/21/2014)
Jason: 2 girls
Sara: 2 girls
1 girl passed due to accident
 2 boys adopted by:Mitch and Faust (Took cinnamon rex I was going to keep, and blue agouti)

10/06/13-All is going well. There is no sign of pregnancy yet. She will be due on or after the 12th of October
10/17/13- At 2:30 this afternoon, Fiona gave birth! There are 13 babies. Below is a photo of the babies' great grandmother, Beatrice.
10/20/13-So there are 2 rex boys and all of the girls seem to be rex. I'm a bit tired and looking at delicate whiskers is straining, so there may be 1 or 2 standard girls. Also keep in mind any of these curly whisker babies could be double rex too
10/23/13-Babies are doing well. All of the girls are rex, and 2 boys are. I will be keeping 1 rex boy. 
10/29/13-Babies are doing fantastically. Their fur is in and eyes should be opening soon. Sadly, there are no hairless babies, they are all rex with 2 standard fur babies.
11/01/13-Eyes are open!
11/05/13-Starting to eat solids and move around. They love chewing on my finger.
12/10/13-Babies have grown up well. I had taken a 10 day vacation however which put their socialization on hold. They were more skittish than my previous litters so I held off on adoptions for another 2 weeks to make sure they got extra handling. Everyone was so patient and understanding! I never want to send off babies if I do not feel 100% about them. They were adopted on 12/06/13 and everyone has reported they are doing quite well! Fiona was adopted with two of her daughters and she is loving her new home. I am eternally grateful for my adopters for providing amazing homes and putting my mind at ease about the sort of lives they will have. I could not do this without you!


Monday, September 23, 2013

AGCR Dipper x ALP Mable 8/25/13

Keeping: 1 boy and 1 girl
Stephanie (2 boys)

Kimberly (2 boys)

Bettina (2 girls, 1 Siamese 1 agouti self)

Allison (2 girls, both siamese)

7/31/13 Dipper x Mable were paired
8/10/13 Everyone is getting along well.
 8/25/13 BABIES BORN!!! 5 girls and 5 boys, very healthy and well fed. Mable is a fantastic mother.
8/29/13-All the babies are big and healthy. They are starting to get their patterns in. I'll know shortly what colors they are for sure.
8/30/13-Babies are starting to get fuzzy.
9/01/13-Babies have grown so much in their first week. They are already furry. There seems to be 2 dumbos. The bareback girl I'm keeping and one male.
9/03/13-Growing up quickly! As you can tell from the video all of their fur is in and they are crawling around with much strength.
9/08/13-Eyes are starting to open!
 9/15/13-Babies are in the popcorning stage and tackling my fingers. They are being introduced to sudden noises and movement and doing very well. Tonight they had a fancy meal of: peas, cranberries, blueberries, carrots in a honey coconut cause on a bed of fresh kale.
 9/23/13-Babies are super friendly and curious. I am very pleased with them. They love tackling my hand and popcorning about the cage. Adoption in only 5 days...sniff :(


Sunday, July 7, 2013

AGCR Cobalt Cobwebs x ALP The Lady of Shalott

Genna D: 1 black dumbo, 1 siamese dumbo (female)
Keeping: 1 dumbo siamese female

Paired: 5/10/13 AGCR Cobalt Cobwebs (aka Powerblue) x ALP The Lady of Shallot

5/16/13-Shallot has been in heat *fingers crossed*
5/19/13-Still getting along.
6/01/13-Definitly showing!
6/02/13-She had 6 babies. Only two lived. If they make it, I will be keeping both and so there are no available babies in this litter. I will pair her again once she's recovered. First time litters sometimes do not go well. It looks like a baby got stuck as one was very bruised, and this may have harmed the rest. I apologize to people looking forward to getting their babies. They will be paired again when Shallot has healed from the pregnancy.
6/04/13-There are 3 baby girls feeding well. I think I will go ahead and keep just one girl, since I plan to keep a boy from her second litter. Thus, there are 2 girls available from her litter (assuming they of course make it the first week, as often times this first week can be the most fragile. But they are eating well and wiggling).
6/20/13-Little runty girl has become so big! Eyes open, eating solids, and exploring.


AGCR Stepping Stones x CRUE Nikita

Paired: 5/10/13 AGCR Stepping Stones (aka Stepped On) n x CRUE Nikita


5/16/13-They are getting along very well
5/19/13-Still getting along, saw Nikita in heat yesterday
6/01/13-Definitly showing!
6/04/13-Nikita has one baby as of 9PM.
6/05/13-This afternoon two more babies came! A total of three now.
6/20/13- They've been moved to the bigger cage and are exploring. Starting to eat solids now.

AGCR Rougarou x ALP Merida

Paired: 4/12/13 -AGCR Rougarou X ALP Merida
Rougarou is a dumbo double rex. Merida is a dumbo cinnamon pearl rex.

Female: Ghost of a Rose
Male: Voodoo

4/15/13-They are getting along well. Merida was in heat on the 12th.
4/25/13-There is a change in Merida's belly.
5/05/13-She is not pregnant. I will be holding off re-pairing due to the number of rats I suddenly got back that I need to re-home first.
5/10/13-Re-paired them. They are getting along very well.
5/19/13-Merida keeps bullying him. Poor Rougs is too nice for his own good.
6/02/13-She is not showing yet.
6/06/13-She had 2 babies, 1 male and 1 female. I am keeping both.
6/20/13-Babies are big! They are both beautiful rexes.

Monday, April 22, 2013

AGCR Pit and the Pendulum x CRUE Echo 3/18/13

  • Echo's litter
    1. Teresa(3 males)
    2. Amber (2 females)
    3. Allison white (Cryptic)
    4. Danille (Ayortha)
    5. Taisha (1 male) 

  • PictureAGCR Pendulum x CRUE Echo
    Adoption fee: $15 each
    Expected arrival: Around March 11th
    2/19/13-Paired Pendulum and Echo
    2/22/13-They are finally getting along. Echo was in heat on the 20th. Fingers crossed!
    3/16/13-Echo looks a little round tonight
    3/17/13-She is definitely pregnant. I removed Pendulum, and she's started making a nest.
    3/18/13-Babies were born this afternoon! There seem to be 5 boys and 3 girls.
    3/19/13-Babies survived the night and are eating well.
    3/23/13-They are starting to get their shades. Eating well and crawling
    3/28/13-Getting fuzzy. They all seem to be mostly the same colour blue, with a few berkshires.
    4/01/13-Growing quickly! They are walking pretty well now.
    4/02/13-Eyes are open!!!
    4/07/13-Looking like normal ratties now...running around!
    4/11/13-Babies had their first bath. They were a little freaked out, but did alright. They are now living in the big cage with the other babies and both mothers.
    4/14/13-Babies are continuing their treatment baths. Getting some good handling skills by doing this! 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

AGCR Zero x AGCR Marceline 3/11/13

Marceline's litter FULL
1.  Haily (1 blue dumbo self male ($15 paid)
2. Teresa (1 black dumbo rex male, 1 black berk dumbo male) ($30 adoption fee paid)
3. Ashley (2 dumbo females, blue and siamese) ($15 paid)
4. Raquel  (dumbo siamese male) ($15 paid)
4. Jacquelyn (Female dumbo siamese) ($15 paid)

Arthur is from this litter 

2/03/13-Paired ACGR Zero x AGCR Marceline
Adoption Fee: $15 each

Arrival around the 24th
Expecting: All dumbo, with some rex, black, blue, and Siamese.
2/21/13-Marceline is started to get rounder!  This morning she looked normal, then tonight she was very round.
2/23/12-Definitly much rounder today!
2/27/13-Marcy is quite the pancake today and is getting her nest ready.
2/28/13-Still no change in her belly today. By now I would be expecting her to be getting much bigger. But she has a definite egg shape to her, so perhaps nothing happened the first week they were together and she is a week later than I calculated.

3/05/13-I am declaring Marcy not pregnant. Uhg.
3/10/13-Scratch that...she IS pregnant. Haha, what a crazy pregnancy.....
3/11/13-BABBIES ARE BORN!!!!!!!!!!!!! At 9:00 PM, 10 were born, 2 stillborn. There are currently 8 healthy pups. More may arrive.
3/15/13-There are 9 babies in total. Five boys, and four girls. They are eating well and Marceline is taking excellent care of her first litter.
3/16/13-There seems to be 1 rex male, 1 rex female. Fur is starting to come in.
3/19/13-Babies are strong and crawling around crazily! There are 3 siamese, 3 blues, and 3 blacks...what an even litter!
3/23/13-Babies are super fuzzy now. Eyes should be opening in a few days.
3/28/13-Babies should open their eyes soon! They have been crawling around the cage.
4/01/13-All the babies are running around and eating solid food now. 2 more weeks until they can go home!
4/08/13-One week until they can go home....they are getting huge!
4/11/13-Babies had their first bath today and did very well! No screaming or struggles, although I'm sure they did not enjoy it.