Sunday, May 20, 2012


I am considering adding a few more rats to the rattery. I have found some wonderful people with great, healthy rats. If this is the case, after quarantine, careful examination, observation of behavior/health/ect. I will breed a rex little in the near-ish future. Huzzah! I was very disappointed in how terrible Beatrice, my rex, turned out and that I would be unable to breed her with her aggression and terrible personality. I was so looking forward to a rex litter this year. This is why waiting always has its perks! She was not this aggressive as a young rat...but quickly grew into it as she aged. Always wait until at LEAST 4 months of age.

Also, I have reached my money goal and will be ordering the fist Critter Nation for the girls. Then I will start saving up for the boys. So excited!

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