1/17/13-Emma-Layla the dumbo rex Siamese (Lenore x Dorchadas) went home with Samantha.
1/21/13-Arrow (Pendulum x Don't Tread on Me) went home with Amy
2/13/13-Lenore and Beatrice went home with Erica B.
2/15/13-Tredds went home with Amber
2/17/13-Dorchadas and Lochran went home with Jazmine
3/05/13-Darla (rescue) went home with Sara
3/21/13-Pippin and Merry(Pen/Don't Tread) went home with Hailey
4/16/13-Current litter adoptions start
5/05/13-Dorchadas, Lochran, and Nimh went home with Amy
5/06/13-Appa and Iroh went home with Erin
5/17/13-Rescues, Marley, Gwen, and Gabby went home with Beth
6/21/13-Quiver went home with Elle
June: Ivy, Narcy, and Chole went home with Kala
July: Klaus with home with Amy
Talia, Tulip, babies, Frodo, Merlin, and Fable went home to Colleen.
Rescue babies went home with Jessie, Kellan, and Danielle. Shalott and
Nikita's daughters went home with Genna.
8/02/13-3 rescue boys went home with Mayme and Jazmin
August-Echo, Powder, Marcy, Copy, and Paste went home with Amy
Oct- Azzuran went home with Kat
Dec- Beatrice and Shalott went home with Zane, Fiona went home with Erin
1/04/13-Bought 50 pounds of Mazuri block for $25
1/14/13-Bought bedding for $6 and Mazuri for $25
1/20/13-Bought mix ingredients for $10
1/30/13-Bought toys and accessories-$7
1/02/13-Bought plastic rings-$4
2/04/13-Bought plastic tub for $12
2/13/13-Bought fleece blankets for $8, toy for $2, food for $5
2/14/13-Bought doxy for $37
2/14/13-Bought fruit and veggies for $7
2/15/13-Bought fleece for $12
3/08/13-Veggies for $4
3/20/13-$75 in building supplies
3/25/13-$20 in food mix
4/22/13-$30 in food and supplies
5/10/13-$5 in toys
5/20/13-$ 5 meal worms, $7 toys
6/07/13- $10 in oats
6/19/13-$25 in food
6/23/13-$4 in food
7/06/13-$12 on fleece
7/23/13-$30 in food
8/10/13-$12 in fleece
$25 in block
$20 in mix supplies
$20 in mix supplies
$50 in block
Health and Happenings:
I have kept up terrible records! In the new year I plan to keep this
updated more often. Everyone has been doing well. Nothing major to
report health wise.
is doing well! I have 2 litters planned right now, and everything is
going well. Stepped On's foot is much better. He is currently with 3
other young boys in the DCN.
6/02/13-Dipper is much better! No irregular breathing.
On has a sprained foot. He's in a small cage to keep him from moving
too much and given pain meds. Poor guy looks rough, I feel so bad!
6/18/13-Stepped On is just about recovered! Still a little limping, but swelling is gone. Babies are growing up well.
have been halted due to several rats coming back to the rattery that
need to be re-homed. I had three boys adopted today, yay! Health
is fine. Quiver has been re-moved due to fighting. Will be re-homing her
to an only-rat status home. Seems like she is taking after her mother,
Don't Tread On Me. Babies are growing well. Marceline seems a little
agitated...think she needs to come back to her non-mother self.
5/06/13-Azzuran was a little pissy this morning, but was fine the rest of the day. Naberous got a new big cage...spoiled old man! 5 rats adopted this week...5 more to go!
5/10/13-Fantasy was sneezy today. Gave her double doxy. Naberous is getting old..poor guy. He enjoyed a romp in his giant ball, though. Everyone else is fine. Paired 3 couples.
5/20/13-All of the couples are getting along. Health has been fine. Fantasy is recovering from her sneezing. All of the girls now live in the CN including the babies.
5/23/13-All is well. Fantasy is much better. Fable continues to be insane.
5/28/13-Dipper sounded congested. Gave doxy.
4/01/13-Nimh does not seem to be worse. He's been on doxy for 6 days now.
Naberous is sounding better, poor old guy. No change with Fable and his
social issues. Maverick is doing well, still need to find him a good
only rat home. All of the babies are growing nicely. I've begun
introducing the older set to plastic bag noises and clapping to get them
used to sudden sounds.
4/11/13-Everyone seems
fine. The babies have mites, so I'm bathing them daily. Rougarou is
super fat and at perfect health now. I'll be breeding him shortly.
4/21/13-Health is well. A few wounds from scuffles. Mites are dead, yay!
got attacked, but is recovering. I'm going to find a home for Maverick.
Nihm was a little sneezy. Marceline seems to be preggers for sure now.
an eventful night...Maverick's bleeding has finally stopped. His toe
got bit when we was on top of another cage. He's pretty worn out from
struggling. Ran to Walmart and got some liquid bandage. I think he''ll
be better once he can rest. He has a nice big squishy blanket in his
tub cage. Then while all this was happening and my hands, table, pants
were splattered with rat blood, Marceline gave birth. She had ten, 2
still borns. The other 8 seem quite healthy and are nursing. She still
might have more.
3/14/13-Rougarou went down hill yesterday, but back to normal today. I think the stress from his wounds has weakened him.
Everyone else is doing well. Maverick's toe has healed nicely. Marcy's babies are getting fat and growing quickly. Echo is still with signs of being preggers yet.
3/16/13-Rougarou is recovering fantastically. He has gained a lot of weight and most of his cuts are healed.
3/28/13-Nimh has been breathing heavily, but no other signs of sickness. He's been on doxy for 3 days....get better buddy!
is doing well. Echo is looking rounder. Fantasy's Illusion had a bit of
a congested sound in her chest so I put her on doxy. Working on a plan to make the CN's keep the litter.
of the girls are together in the main cage now. I've taken Don't Tread
on Me out and things have settled down. Maverick tore up Powderblue's
neck and so now I'm going to try and get Maverick in with the big boys
and see if that stops him from being a bully. Echo is looking rounder.
She's still got 5 days before her possible due date.
2/13/13-All of the rats are doing well. Powderblue is now living with the boys.
2/14/13-I am declaring Echo not prego. I'll be putting her back with Pendulum.
2/23/13-Marceline is getting rounder. Naberous keeps attacking Zero.
Zero with the boy gang in the pool...and things went FANTASTIC without
Naberous. I put Fable in with them, too, and he did very well for him.
No screaming at all! He was still a bit freaked out, but him and
Powderblue hung out on top of the doll house and he sat next to Klaus. A
few months ago he was a screaming, panicked wreck when he saw other
rats. I'm so proud of him! Zero is now in the boy cage and they are
eating fighting....yet....
has been separated due to trying to rip Zero open many times. Fable is
getting better with being around other rats. Maverick has stopped biting
Rougarou, and now only chases him (I think he likes to get a rise out
of him more than anything else). Mav and Rougs are cuddling a lot more,
and really the only fights now happen because Rougs hogs the food and
screams at Mav when he tries to get near the bowl. Marceline has
not had babies yet. Echo and Pendulum are getting along and I've seen
Echo in heat, so lets hope something happened!
Layla(daughter of Lenore) is recovering from her fight with Mable. She
still does not want me to pick her up. I think there is something
hurting her in her lower back area.
1/06/13- Don't
Tread On Me bit a hole in Nikita's back. Looks pretty nasty. Stopped
bleeding, but I'm afraid to touch it. She does not seem to be in pain as
she is still jumping around. Arrow got put back in with the big girls
now that she recovered from her wheezes. Found some evidence of lice on
Lenore so she's on Ivermectin.
1/09/13-Rougarou and Maverick sounded a little congested today so got some doxy. Lenore is on day three of Ivermectin. Nikita's back has scabbed over.
breathing sounded well today. Echo randomly lunged at my finger,
though. I'll be keeping an eye out for continued behaviour.
had a nasty bite in her back. Fixed it up. Everyone else was fine.
Rougarou had some scratches, not sure if they were from his cagemates or
from wire in the cage.
back has scabbed over, but Don't Tread On Me continues to bully
everyone. May need to re-home her....her son is taking after her and so I
may do a test breeding and see if this is genetic or just rats getting
on each other's nerves.
looked good today, scabs are healing and Lenore's mite scabs are almost
gone. Naberous had a bit of a wheeze sound again so I'll put him back on
doxy. Tredders is still attacking everyone....
Rougarou, and Powderblue keep antagonizing each other. I thought Mav
was starting in, but now I see Powder stealing food and causing fights.
1/20/13-Narcissa's back is icky looking, but not infected. Quiver sounds congested.
did well mingling with the younger frantic screaming. Rescue
rat Darla let me hold her (gloved hands) and sat in my lap...she was
shivering terribly, but did groom herself and would poke her head out
and see what was up. Maverick continues to be a butt, as does his
mother. Ivy keeps getting skinny, so I think she's bullied out of food.
I've separated her to let her eat by herself. Quiver is better after
only 1 day of doxy.
1/23/13-Paired Echo
and Pendulum last night as Echo was very much in-heat. Also going to
move Maverick in with the big guys and see if they can put him in his
place. In a cage of 10 big beafy men...I doubt he'll think he's boss
anymore, the little jerk :P For whatever reason, Ivy will not get fat. I
keep feeding her by herself and she just stairs at the food with
disgust. She's very active and does not look in pain/wounded. I hate
girl's lack of appetites. The men need to teach them how to eat.
had a slight her some meds. Ivy is eating her bean mix
and starting to fatten up. Merida and Quiver are better. Narcissa's back
is healed up nicely.