Sunday, May 20, 2012

To buy or not to buy

Ah...the age long debate about "rescuing" feeders and petstore rats.

I support this. I know many, many people disagree. They feel purchasing these rats will open up new spots for more poorly bred rats to fill. By not buying from are not rewarding them for their mistreatment of animals.

I understand this.

But I cannot walk into a shop, see those terrified faces, and not care. They need love, too. I wish breeding mills could be educated...and breed for the right reasons. But they don't. That does not mean the rats should suffer. And I really dislike people who look down on your for owning petstore rats or feeder rats. There is no difference between snake food and a rat with a pedigree that reaches a mile. I will continue to save feeders as long as people continue to abuse them.

If snake owners would buy pre-kill...or breed and kill their own (humanely) ...there would be no need for starved, urine covered sick rats in the reptile shops.


I am considering adding a few more rats to the rattery. I have found some wonderful people with great, healthy rats. If this is the case, after quarantine, careful examination, observation of behavior/health/ect. I will breed a rex little in the near-ish future. Huzzah! I was very disappointed in how terrible Beatrice, my rex, turned out and that I would be unable to breed her with her aggression and terrible personality. I was so looking forward to a rex litter this year. This is why waiting always has its perks! She was not this aggressive as a young rat...but quickly grew into it as she aged. Always wait until at LEAST 4 months of age.

Also, I have reached my money goal and will be ordering the fist Critter Nation for the girls. Then I will start saving up for the boys. So excited!