Erin: 2 girls
Kat: 1 boy-Taken back due to owner abusing ..now keeping (2/21/2014)
Jason: 2 girls
Sara: 2 girls
1 girl passed due to accident
2 boys adopted by:Mitch and Faust (Took cinnamon rex I was going to keep, and blue agouti)
10/06/13-All is going well. There is no sign of pregnancy yet. She will be due on or after the 12th of October
10/17/13- At 2:30 this afternoon, Fiona gave birth! There are 13 babies. Below is a photo of the babies' great grandmother, Beatrice.
10/20/13-So there are 2 rex boys and all of the girls seem to be rex. I'm a bit tired and looking at delicate whiskers is straining, so there may be 1 or 2 standard girls. Also keep in mind any of these curly whisker babies could be double rex too
10/23/13-Babies are doing well. All of the girls are rex, and 2 boys are. I will be keeping 1 rex boy.
10/29/13-Babies are doing fantastically. Their fur is in and eyes should be opening soon. Sadly, there are no hairless babies, they are all rex with 2 standard fur babies.
11/01/13-Eyes are open!
11/05/13-Starting to eat solids and move around. They love chewing on my finger.
12/10/13-Babies have grown up well. I had taken a 10 day vacation however which put their socialization on hold. They were more skittish than my previous litters so I held off on adoptions for another 2 weeks to make sure they got extra handling. Everyone was so patient and understanding! I never want to send off babies if I do not feel 100% about them. They were adopted on 12/06/13 and everyone has reported they are doing quite well! Fiona was adopted with two of her daughters and she is loving her new home. I am eternally grateful for my adopters for providing amazing homes and putting my mind at ease about the sort of lives they will have. I could not do this without you!