Siamese/dumbo/rex litter
Expected Arrival: 11/08/12
Adoption fees: $20 each, $10 additional
Keeping: Dumbo male, powder blue hooded
- Shawna (1 female dumbo, blue self)
- Samantha (2 females: 1 rex dumbo siamese, 1 standard dumbo siamese)
- Chelsea (2 females, 1 rex, 1 not, dumbo siamese)
- Justin (1 male dumbo beige with headspot)
- Mayme (1 dumbo rex siamese male)
11/08/12-She is looking very round, should be due soon.
11/13/12-Babies were born at 11 AM. So far 2 still borns and 7 alive.
11/15/12-There are 9 alive in total. 5 females and 4 males. Lenore is being a good mom, as she was the first time around.
11/20/12-Babies are fuzzy. There are 4 rexes it looks like.
11/23/12-They are starting to walk around and are looking very cute!
11/28/12-Eyes are opening!
12/02/12-They are running around and wrestling with each other.
12/13/12-I have been so busy this month I have been very bad at keeping updates! All babies are doing well. We're starting adoptions a little early as they are pretty much weaned now.