Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rarity needs a home

Still no bids on my plushie *major weeping*

She needs a good home!

Not my week..

One of my babies passed away due to a constipation issue and then went I put him on a safe block diet...he starved himself. Yeah...rats hate block...

Then my special boy, Zoc, suddenly died.

Now today I took Saoirse to the vet to treat her ear infection....

Oh, and my laptop broke.

Yay me.

Rat food sounds GOOD

I was browsing rat treats to make and came across these ideas: Yummy!

And my stomach growling now! I may have to sample these before giving them to my rats....

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Epitaph and Ophelia

Ophelia, my black and white hood, is being paired with my rex boy, Epitaph.

As I prefer, Ophelia is "older", meaning she isn't being bred for the first at at four months of age. I find older, mature females have grown into their personality, so I can tell if there is aggression, and also if they carry any health problems. Breeding younger girls can sometimes throw you into a world of unknown problems.

The downside to breeding older girls is a chance of complications. So my fingers are crossed that everything goes smoothly.

Extra, extra!

It is a slow process, but the Rattery's website is coming along: A Gothic Rattery

I am ordering the girl's new cage today, yay! They.......ate their shelves....and now have a crazy tangle of broken shelves. It's like an extreme jungle gym.

Last night everyone had an immune booster snack with lots of fruits exploding with antioxidants. The weather has been smoky and I want to make sure everyone's immune system is strong.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Die, vile plastic!

Victor likes to pull in the tie straps that hold his little cubby in place.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Adoption day3

2 baby boys went to their new home today. I had to hold them an extra week.
The owners' are a friend of the family, so I will be able to visit the rat-boys....which always makes me happy to be able to see my babies again.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Future Litters

I am debating my next litter. Here are a few litters I could have:

1. Siamese dumbo
2. Dumbo agouti rex
3. Black and white dumbo
4. Blue dumbo

I think I am leaning towards option 1 or 2, but I am not sure yet. I will start the waiting list soon.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

To buy or not to buy

Ah...the age long debate about "rescuing" feeders and petstore rats.

I support this. I know many, many people disagree. They feel purchasing these rats will open up new spots for more poorly bred rats to fill. By not buying from are not rewarding them for their mistreatment of animals.

I understand this.

But I cannot walk into a shop, see those terrified faces, and not care. They need love, too. I wish breeding mills could be educated...and breed for the right reasons. But they don't. That does not mean the rats should suffer. And I really dislike people who look down on your for owning petstore rats or feeder rats. There is no difference between snake food and a rat with a pedigree that reaches a mile. I will continue to save feeders as long as people continue to abuse them.

If snake owners would buy pre-kill...or breed and kill their own (humanely) ...there would be no need for starved, urine covered sick rats in the reptile shops.


I am considering adding a few more rats to the rattery. I have found some wonderful people with great, healthy rats. If this is the case, after quarantine, careful examination, observation of behavior/health/ect. I will breed a rex little in the near-ish future. Huzzah! I was very disappointed in how terrible Beatrice, my rex, turned out and that I would be unable to breed her with her aggression and terrible personality. I was so looking forward to a rex litter this year. This is why waiting always has its perks! She was not this aggressive as a young rat...but quickly grew into it as she aged. Always wait until at LEAST 4 months of age.

Also, I have reached my money goal and will be ordering the fist Critter Nation for the girls. Then I will start saving up for the boys. So excited!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rats are never content

I have a few rats in the "hospital" (i.e....the living room).

Lenore busted her foot. The swelling is gone, now it is just sore. But she keep trying to bust the lid of her "Get well tank" off. She will stretch up on her messed up foot, grab onto the wire, and hang there. I have taken out her house so she'll stop head butting the lid. Crazy girl. I am moving her to the 40 gallon unused fish tank to prevent anymore brain-damage. It is very tall, and unless she develops super powers, she should not be able to jump and reach the lid.

Zocquiel got in a fight and had some battle wounds. So he's in a bird cage while I tend to his bites. He has figured out that if he uses his mouth to pull up on the door, he can lift it with his paws until he is able to wiggle his head under. Smart guy. Now I'm breaking out the locking clips.

Naberous (who fought with Zoc), is in another cage for observation. It is one of those one level rabbit cages. But he has found he can push his head against the door and pop it out. ...More clips.

I have a gang of Houdinis here.

Rats just hate cages. Houses are more their style....complete with full course meals served thrice a day (don't forget ice cream!)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Adoption Day2

My brother giving the girls a goodby.
He's been very handy in their socialization! 

                                                            River and Annabel Lee

Adoption Day 2 went very well! I had a great time meeting everyone.
Someone drove over an hour for their girls. That is a dedicated owner!
 I know my babies will have wonderful lives.

Saoirse The Strange

Saoirse. She is very strange. And a pest. She chased Sally (the cat) off of the couch, down the hall, into the kitchen, off of the kitchen chair, and under the coffee table.

Here she decided to become mole-like and tunnel through the bedding. She did not care that half of it was stuck to her fur.

She is almost 2...but more active and young looking than her daughters (Who are both only 1 year old)

Adoption Day1

The first adoption went very well yesterday. It was great meeting everyone. Have fun in your new home, Raven and Ligeia!  
 See you both in a month for rattie vacation.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Goodbye Dinner

I made the babies a fancy meal for their last night. 

We have a mixture of yogurt, cranberries, blueberries, cheerios, and oats.
Carrots and broccoli, spiced, with olive oil drizzled over top
Buttered almond crackers with raisins

Added to the Ratster

 I can now be found on the Ratster

Klaus x AGCR Vriska 04/08/12 Archive

4/09/12 Expecting a litter in 3-4 weeks
Doe: Vriska a black and white hooded
Buck: Klaus a blue blaze hooded (recessive blaze)


I am in the process of making a TARDIS rat house. It has 4 levels inside. Now...for paint!

Attempt at a portrait...hah...

Wellll it has been 3 years since I took my oil painting I thought I would paint Beatrice...while one can tell it is a rat...I am just not pleased with the results. I will be trying to paint a better one soon!

                                                                                                 Here is the original photo

                                                                      And my attempt...

Rat vs. Rabbit

So I stole some fencing off of the rabbit pen to use on the new Lucious (Louy), was living in a cage on the back porch. I let Saoirse out to free range and being the bothersome rat she is, she chased Louy all over the porch....then later switched targets to the cat.

Here's a video:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The time has come

Adoption day is quickly approaching. I can hardly believe it's been 5 weeks already. I am going to miss my crazy bunch of babies. But I have some amazing families for this litter and I know they will all be going to great homes.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Illusion Modeling

Some cute photos of Illusion's photoshoot. These are my favourites.

I can't wait for her litter. She is an amazingly sweet, gentle rat. Her breeder did splendid work with her! The first day I got her she was not nervous with me and licked my hand. She's never once been timid (unless a vacuum cleaner is brought out haha). So I have a good feeling she will be a great mother and produce wonderful pupplets.

Switching Blogs

So I have decided to change my blog host site. Wordpress has very limited features and I am not too fond of the set up as a whole. I will be adding all of my old posts to here.